
Showing posts from September, 2024

Silver, Gold and a Star - 2 Sheryl York Stories

  I have a couple of short but awesome testimonies to share. The first is about silver and gold that I have yet to share and I feel that now is the time.  The second is about a friend named Star... SILVER & GOLD... For several years now, like you, I have been hearing the prophets talk about the great wealth transfer that is coming to God's people just like in the days of the Israelites finally leaving the bondage of Egypt and taking the treasures with them before they left buying silver and gold. We've all seen the Lord speaking through Manuel Johnson, Bo Polny, Julie Green, and others about His children getting prepared and buying silver and gold but honestly, I couldn't figure out a way to do it. My husband and I are both on fixed incomes, so I just began praying. Finally, after several years of this, I got a bit discouraged and still had no idea how I was going to get the money to purchase silver let alone gold so I threw up my hands one day. I said, 'Lord, I'

As If She Fell Out Of The Sky - A Jerry York Story

  Another testimony that I am so blessed to share is about Jerry's daughter. For privacy reasons (on her part) I'm not going to mention her name, but this is a fabulous not only 'But God' story but an 'Only God' testimony. Picture taken from Getty Images When Jerry and I married in 1995 I already knew that he'd been married previously. Actually, so had I but in Jerry's case he'd had a daughter with his previous wife and for countless reasons, he was not able to stay in her life. One reason was that his ex-wife remarried a military man, and they moved around and traveled to many other states that were very far away, so it became harder and harder to have visits, but another was because he was young at the time of their divorce and the stepfather wanted to adopt his daughter. Jerry really didn't feel he could fight it in the courts at the time. He was without a home of his own as he'd moved in with family and didn't even have a full-time jo