Silver, Gold and a Star - 2 Sheryl York Stories

 I have a couple of short but awesome testimonies to share. The first is about silver and gold that I have yet to share and I feel that now is the time.  The second is about a friend named Star...


For several years now, like you, I have been hearing the prophets talk about the great wealth transfer that is coming to God's people just like in the days of the Israelites finally leaving the bondage of Egypt and taking the treasures with them before they left buying silver and gold. We've all seen the Lord speaking through Manuel Johnson, Bo Polny, Julie Green, and others about His children getting prepared and buying silver and gold but honestly, I couldn't figure out a way to do it. My husband and I are both on fixed incomes, so I just began praying. Finally, after several years of this, I got a bit discouraged and still had no idea how I was going to get the money to purchase silver let alone gold so I threw up my hands one day. I said, 'Lord, I've been praying for silver and gold for several years now and I still don't know what You want me to do or how I am supposed to get it. I know you want to bless me because I am your child but if You want me to have it, You will have to get it to me.'

Then I went about my business. A few months ago, I got an email from a subscriber of my newsletters asking me for my address, so I went ahead and responded giving it to her. She asked me to watch the mail and said she'd sent me a package. I don't want to use her name here so I will just say LM when I speak about her. I had no idea what it could be. Since I've been doing the Newsletters, several people have made things and sent them to me or sent me money to help out, so I had no idea what it was. I finally got the box, and my daughter got to it before me. She said, 'Mom it looks like she sent you a candle'. Well heck yeah, I thought. I was excited because I am pretty addicted to candles right now but I walked over and saw that it was much smaller than any candle I'd been purchasing and was definitely not a candle. I had no clue what it was and then I noticed it had a lid, so I took off the lid and was absolutely stunned and went to tears. What was inside you might ask. It was 20 pieces of silver. I'M NOT KIDDING YOU! I was so blown away. He took me seriously and had it sent to me. LM had no idea she was fulfilling someone's prayer. She just felt the Lord wanted her to bless me and my ministry, but I had literally been praying for silver and gold for years. Finally, I had not one or two but 20 silver coins that one day will definitely be worth something.

Then about a month later she didn't even tell me, but she sent me something new. This time it was a gold coin. Woo Hoo! What a blessing. I was over the top excited and honestly did not expect it at all. Especially not from the same person. How could she give me this much? God was really using LM to get me prepared for what was to come and to believe Him again for things that seemed completely impossible. Since that time, she has sent me another amazing coin worth more than the others. I am so beyond blessed and keep them in a hidden place because I've never been given anything like this before. Thank you, JM, for being a HUGE part of making my prayers come to pass. We have since even become friends and I appreciate you more than you can imagine.

(side note) to anyone who reads this thinking they can come and rob me because I have shared this testimony, I bind you in Jesus' name. I'm not an idiot. I know that people with evil minds might read this and so because of that I waited all this time to share this testimony until I found a place to keep them away from everyone.



Yesterday I was in my normal am prayer time and I remembered that I had received offerings from a few people and some that actually said, 'Use this however you want to.' I had decided the day before that I needed to tithe or give an offering myself off of the amount, so I came up with exactly $41.00 dollars that I owed. While in prayer I was reminded of this and I said, 'Oh my, I still haven't sown that $41.00 dollars. Forgive me, Lord, I will do it right now. I heard the Lord say, 'Do not give it to a ministry.' I was like, ok, that is fine. Jerry and I support several ministries every single month and yet there are so many hurting people. We have ALWAYS let people live with us or given them food or taken blankets or jackets to the homeless etc... Jerry has literally picked people up off the street and brought them to our house for dinner several times without my knowing anyone was We've rented a home for someone, bought people refrigerators, and even paid people's bills so having Him tell me not to sow into a ministry that has the opportunity to get countless offerings in a day didn't surprise me in the least. 

Then the Lord said, 'I want you to give it to My Star'. Well, just so happens my daughter has a good friend named Star who has recently even become a friend of mine. I just saw her at my birthday gathering in August and now the Lord was telling me to send the money to her. Well, that sounds fine but $41.00 just didn't seem right. A ministry puts all the money together that people send in and can do much with the accumulation but a person with $41.00, not so much. So, I just decided if God was going to name her like that, she must need money, so I decided to send her $100.00. It was like 5:30 am so I had to wait until she woke up to ask her if she had Zelle, which she did not. Then she explained that she had PayPal so I looked it up and was able to send money through Walmart that she could pick up. While texting back and forth she finally asked, 'What is all this about?' So, I told her that I was praying this morning and had a $41.00 offering to give to a ministry, but the Lord told me not to but to 'send it to His Star', so I am supposed to send it to you, but I've decided to send $100.00 rather than $41.00. Well, she was on Cloud 9 for sure. She wrote me back saying, 'Sheryl, we were down to .13 cents in our bank account, and we needed a few things and gas money. Also, I had been a bit depressed because I had a bill sitting in front of me that I couldn't pay. The bill is for $41.00 dollars.'

Now that really spoke to me. You can't make this stuff up. I was supposed to sow $41.00. Decided to increase it because $41.00 didn't seem like enough. She was sitting there needing gas a few grocery items and $41.00 dollars to pay a bill. In the end, she was able to get it all taken care of because of the increase. God was truly faithful to her and I was blessed as well.

Jerry and I looked up scripture because we knew God was speaking with that 41 as there is no coincidence with the Lord.

For Star, this came up...

Isaiah 41:8-10

But you, Israel (Star), My servant, Jacob (Star), whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham My friend,

You whom I [the Lord] have taken from the ends of the earth and have called from the corners of it, and said to you, You are My servant—I have chosen you and not cast you off [even though you are exiled].

10 Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.

This was quite interesting, and I actually do have more I could say about it, but I believe the Lord has to speak to her about what this means.

For me, this is what came up...

Psalm 41:1-2

Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive,
And he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies.

Sheryl L. York


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