
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Flood & Learning to Use My Authority in Christ - A Sheryl York Story

  The photos are heartbreaking. I cannot tell you how blessed we are that nothing happened to our home. Many lost their homes as water rose as high as the roofs. Businesses were closed up permanently and some bridges are literally washed away. A Care Facility very close to us had to be evacuated because it became like a river inside. This picture above was not taken by me but is similar to the road down the hill and next to our house but our house as I mention in the testimony is up a steep incline and therefor the amount of rain and water had to be pretty astronomical to force it to come so high that it was edging toward our front door. I hope you will read this testimony and feel free to email me with a comment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although I have been born again for almost 30 years, I have to admit that I was pretty blind or even dumb about many things spiritually for years. In fact, for countless years, I would say I was more of a religious Pharisee than a disciple of Chris

God Does Speak Through Dreams - A Sheryl York Story

God speaks through Dreams - A Sheryl York Story I was born again about 30 years ago now and one thing that I learned very early in my walk with the Lord was that He could speak to me through dreams. Before that time, I guess I just thought my dreams were pizza dreams but once I got saved and my spirit was transformed, I began dreaming differently. I began remembering dreams which was huge, and I very quickly began learning to interpret and taking courses. I have a sister who is 5 years younger than me, and I won't go into all the details, but she and her husband were having some kind of issues with getting pregnant. In fact, I believe she was told she might never have children. Once Jerry & I got married I literally got pregnant on our honeymoon. I was 31 at the time. A bit late in life or so they say but both Jerry & I had been married previously and divorced. I had raised my 1st husband's son's and Jerry had a daughter in his previous marriage but when we married,

Holy Ghost Fire - The story of a man...

The story of a man who got saved after his wife said 'she was done praying... Several years ago, we had friends in our church.  When we first met them, she was saved, and he wasn't.  One day, probably out of hurt and frustration, she told him she was done praying for him - they had been married for probably 25 years or so and he wasn't interested in the Lord at all. She was done. While she loved him, she was over asking him to come to church, or attend special services and events. He believed in God but was indifferent to attending church or a life serving the Lord. He knew she prayed for him. He also knew those prayers covered and protected him. When she told him she was done praying for him he became really scared and nervous. He truly became fearful. Over the years he knew her prayers had kept him safe and out of trouble. He wanted the protection of prayers and a loving Father, but he thought the Jesus sell out thing was for weak men. He was a big man- 6’3” 350lbs. Stron

'But God' - Gary & Robin's Story

Gary & Robin's Story   I wanted to share with you a power of prayer story. On August 3rd, 2022,  my wife (Robin) suffered a brain aneurysm. While in the ER she fell into a coma and was flown by helicopter 62 miles away. Driving there I received a phone call that said, “we are in a fatal situation and are doing everything we can to keep your wife alive on the OR table.” I still had about a 45-minute drive. Something or should I say someone (Holy Spirit) rose up on the inside of me and this authority came over me and I said out loud, “In the name of Jesus I command the spirit of death to leave that OR room now.” Through prayer and the grace of God my wife survived. The surgeon said they go by a severity chart of 1-5 with 5 being the most severe. He said your wife was at the top of a 5. The next day one of the team members came in and said, “That lady should not be lying there, it was that bad. It truly is a miracle.” She spent the next 42 days in hospitals, 23 in ICU on and off l