Holy Ghost Fire - The story of a man...

The story of a man who got saved after his wife said 'she was done praying...

Several years ago, we had friends in our church. When we first met them, she was saved, and he wasn't. One day, probably out of hurt and frustration, she told him she was done praying for him - they had been married for probably 25 years or so and he wasn't interested in the Lord at all. She was done. While she loved him, she was over asking him to come to church, or attend special services and events.

He believed in God but was indifferent to attending church or a life serving the Lord. He knew she prayed for him. He also knew those prayers covered and protected him.

When she told him she was done praying for him he became really scared and nervous. He truly became fearful. Over the years he knew her prayers had kept him safe and out of trouble. He wanted the protection of prayers and a loving Father, but he thought the Jesus sell out thing was for weak men. He was a big man- 6’3” 350lbs. Strong and muscular.

Our church was in revival at the time. We were having services 6 days a week for months. It was so powerful. Anyway, one night when she came home, he was up waiting for her. It was past midnight, and the services always ran late. After a round of questions, they went to bed.

The next night he decided to come with her. He was skeptical of her stories and wanted to see for himself. He was also very nervous about her not praying for him anymore.

Well, Holy Ghost Fire hit him, and he was radically saved. Their lives were never the same. All those years she spent praying. He was saved and finally turned his life around because she told him she had stopped praying for him.

Our prayers and the knowledge that others are praying have a greater impact on people than we know and understand. People like the idea of prayers covering them. But sometimes we have to leave people to themselves and let the Holy Spirit deal with them.

Shared by Audrey Yockey


This blog was created to share testimonies of God's goodness to us. It is an offshoot of America Reimagined the Newsletter & 'It's Going to be Biblical' Daily Encouragement created by the Holy Spirit and Sheryl L. York

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