God Does Speak Through Dreams - A Sheryl York Story

God speaks through Dreams - A Sheryl York Story

I was born again about 30 years ago now and one thing that I learned very early in my walk with the Lord was that He could speak to me through dreams. Before that time, I guess I just thought my dreams were pizza dreams but once I got saved and my spirit was transformed, I began dreaming differently. I began remembering dreams which was huge, and I very quickly began learning to interpret and taking courses.

I have a sister who is 5 years younger than me, and I won't go into all the details, but she and her husband were having some kind of issues with getting pregnant. In fact, I believe she was told she might never have children. Once Jerry & I got married I literally got pregnant on our honeymoon. I was 31 at the time. A bit late in life or so they say but both Jerry & I had been married previously and divorced. I had raised my 1st husband's son's and Jerry had a daughter in his previous marriage but when we married, we had no children living with us. It was truly our dream to have our own kids even if we were starting late in life.

A few months into my pregnancy I had a dream that my sister and I were pregnant at the same time. I thought it was odd. I knew she had a tough time getting pregnant, but I called and told her anyway. I actually told her that I believed this dream to be from the Lord and telling her that she would have a baby after all. My sister (at least at the time) didn't really believe me so I journaled it and then let it go. A few more months went by, and I had yet another dream that my sister and I were pregnant at the same time. Again, I called her up and this time I was even more certain. Although I wasn't very old in the Lord yet, I was very into dreams because that was how I felt God spoke to me. I was already learning to interpret dreams and I couldn't interpret this one any other way. I also knew about the scriptures in Genesis 41...

25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one; God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do:

This was mind blowing. I still felt like a babe in Christ, but I just knew God was speaking to me and was going to bless my sister not only to have a child but both of us to have our first child around the same time frame too. My sister did take a pregnancy test, but it did not come back positive, so it was disappointing to say the least because I was so sure. Finally, several more months went by, and I was getting close to having my first baby which was Erika. Then I had yet another dream (now my 3rd) that my sister and I were both pregnant at the same time. All 3 of the dreams were a little different. They weren't just repeat dreams just like Pharao's weren't but they each showed both of us pregnant together. This time I had even more ammunition to prove what God was saying so I called her up and told her and she still didn't believe she was pregnant nor that she could be because of health issues. I told her about Genesis 41:32...

32 And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.

Mother's Day was coming around and I was a new mom myself. My sister and her husband invited all of us (including our mom & her husband's mom) to their home for a Mother's Day BBQ. It was a beautiful day, and we were all sitting outside when my sister and her husband gave both my mom & his mom a box. I was guessing they'd bought them a watch or something. Both of the boxes were long and looked the same. They wanted the moms to open them at the same time and so everyone else just looked on. They did and tears began to flow, and I saw so much excitement, so I said, 'what did you guys get?' They turned and showed it to me. My sister had taken 2 pregnancy tests, and they were both showing positive and so she put them in a long watch type box and that is what she gave the moms for Mother's Day that day. It didn't take me very long at all to realize what happened. I knew it was a miracle. I jumped to my feet and asked how far along she was, and she told me, so I calculated how old my newborn was compared to how far along the doctors were telling her she was and found that YES, we were both pregnant at the same time. It wasn't a very long period of time but that wasn't the point. God had been telling me for 9 months that my sister was going to have a baby and that we would actually be pregnant at the same time.

This was the beginning of God teaching me how He speaks through dreams and a huge start in learning to trust what He was saying and not to sway because things didn't appear to be as He was showing me because in the end even though it took over 9 months those 3 dreams did come to pass. Since that time my faith grew, and God has often spoken to me through dreams. Sometimes through several as in the case with my sister and I being pregnant at the same time. My sister only ever had one son even though through the years I had a son and 3 daughters. Sometimes God would show me something that would come to pass within months and sometimes even the very next day. That is why I post my dreams in my own blog. I've seen them come to pass and I know they will bless others regarding America. I actually have several testimonies of things that happened in my life that really blessed me and helped my faith grow leaps and bounds and will share more as we grow this new 'But God' Testimonial Blog.

Sheryl L. York


This blog was created to share testimonies of God's goodness to us. It is an offshoot of America Reimagined the Newsletter & 'It's Going to be Biblical' Daily Encouragement created by the Holy Spirit and Sheryl L. York

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