
Showing posts from August, 2024

A Fall, A Friend & A Flight - An Audrey Yockey Story

  The following is a story that shows the miracle-working power of Jesus in our lives. God is sovereign and a protector of our very being. 8/26/21 2pm est (10am akdt) Jaclyn texted me “Josh just fell off the roof” I wasn’t sure how to respond. My initial response was just “Oh. I text back “Is he ok?” She answered “No” I was still unsure and tried to call. She told me to call my granddaughter Amelia’s phone. She answered and told me that her dad was lying on the ground and wasn’t moving, but he was able to talk to her mom. I ended up FaceTiming the girls to keep them occupied while Jaclyn tended to Josh and waited for EMS to arrive. The girls were a little shaken, but in true child fashion, they were curious as to what was happening and stayed near the window. Fortunately, there wasn’t any blood or anything truly scary-looking happening. Just Josh lying in the yard and Jaclyn sitting next to him. We were unsure of injuries or pain. Having just moved to Fairbanks 6 weeks earlier, they di

"The Name That Shattered the Darkness" An Alan Dunn Story

"A Divine Revelation in a Dream" In the stillness of an October night in 2015, I found myself in the grip of a nightmare so vivid, so unsettling, that it lingers with me even now. Three figures stood at the end of my bed—children, or at least they appeared to be. But their eyes… their eyes were pools of blackness, void of any light or humanity. I was frozen, paralyzed by an unseen force, my voice stolen, my body locked in place. Fear twisted in my chest as I struggled to move, to speak, to break free from their sinister hold. Suddenly, as if the heavens themselves intervened, an angelic presence appeared to my right, shimmering with divine light. The angel leaned close and whispered a command, a name—Yahu. "Rebuke them in the name of Yahu," the angel urged. In my dream, confusion wrestled with fear. Yahu? The name was unfamiliar, foreign to my ears. But there was no time to question. I tried to speak it, but the words caught in my throat, barely a whisper. The grip

A Vantastic Testimony - A Sheryl York Story

  Back in 2004, I was pregnant with a promise that was actually given to me in 2000. We originally lived in California, and we felt the Lord was calling us to move to Texas (the Corpus Christi area) so with blessings from our church and another couple and their children joining us we started making the plans necessary to move states away. It was terrifying to leave everything we knew and the people that we loved behind but at the same time it was also exciting to ‘go to a place that the Lord would show us and get away from thy country and thy kindred as well.’ I can still to this day remember exactly what I was doing when the Lord clearly spoke to me saying, ‘You will have another child in Texas.’ At this point, Jerry and I had been married for 10 years and we’d already had 3 children (2 daughters and 1 son) There I was staring out the window doing the dishes in the kitchen thinking about this huge move. Leaving family, friends, our church, and of course even Jerry’s job. It was a hu