A Fall, A Friend & A Flight - An Audrey Yockey Story

 The following is a story that shows the miracle-working power of Jesus in our lives. God is sovereign and a protector of our very being.

8/26/21 2pm est (10am akdt)

Jaclyn texted me “Josh just fell off the roof” I wasn’t sure how to respond. My initial response was just “Oh. I text back “Is he ok?” She answered “No” I was still unsure and tried to call. She told me to call my granddaughter Amelia’s phone. She answered and told me that her dad was lying on the ground and wasn’t moving, but he was able to talk to her mom.

I ended up FaceTiming the girls to keep them occupied while Jaclyn tended to Josh and waited for EMS to arrive.

The girls were a little shaken, but in true child fashion, they were curious as to what was happening and stayed near the window. Fortunately, there wasn’t any blood or anything truly scary-looking happening. Just Josh lying in the yard and Jaclyn sitting next to him. We were unsure of injuries or pain.

Having just moved to Fairbanks 6 weeks earlier, they didn’t have any type of local support system. They had met a few neighbors, but they did not really know any of them. The closest friend was in Kodiak, still several hours away. I was in Ohio and the quickest flight was at least 10 hours and didn’t leave for 5 more hours. I was at best 17 hours away.

Jaclyn watched EMS load Josh into an ambulance and drive away. The 5 girls were aged 9-2 years. She was totally alone. Except for Jesus.

Fortunately, one of the neighbors they had just met drove by as the ambulance was pulling away and she said I’m here if you need me.

How does one just hand off your children to a basic stranger? They had met briefly a few days earlier when Penny dog had wandered the neighborhood. But Jaclyn gathered the girls and took them to their house. What else was she going to do? She needed to get to Josh. As it turned out they had a daughter that fit right in the girl's age group so the girls were having fun.

I texted the rest of my kids and made them aware of what had happened. Everyone started to pray and pass the word. Jay was actually off work early that day. Another God moment. Summer always meant late nights, typically working until 8pm. This day he was off at 3pm, something so rare, it could only be God.

I immediately threw some clothes in a bag, and Jay drove me to the airport. I jumped on a flight to Fairbanks. I found a flight for $400 and a travel time of less than 10 hours- both of which are almost unheard of. (Side note; I have never found that specific flight, or that price ever again)

Another answer to prayer.

I had made a few phone calls and a brief Facebook status that Josh had been injured and to pray. My phone began to blow up with calls and text messages as the word began to get out. So many people praying. At this point, no one knew the status of his injuries or what may be happening. I had minimal contact with Jaclyn since she was at the hospital and I was on a flight.

It’s almost funny because I had sent the blood covenant prayer to all of my kids the week prior when I got home from my lady's retreat. (please feel free to e-mail America-Reimagined-Sheryl@proton.me if you'd like a copy of the prayer) We have all been praying it this week. I know that made a difference! It’s funny because there literally had been several little things with all of us that past week; a bloody nose, a child falling and scraping their face up good, a twisted ankle, a small traffic mishap, work issues, children sick in the night, etc… Little things that might seem normal, but when put together one can see an attack. The enemy had tried, but he could not break through our blood-barrier covenant!

When Jaclyn arrived at the hospital and was able to see Josh, she laid hands on his legs and took authority over the situation.

Several tests were run, X-rays, blood work, CT scans, and a whole variety of tests. There was talk of a med-evac flight to take him to Anchorage or even Seattle, he was in pretty rough shape.

But God…

God truly had His hand on him.

He had suffered some broken facial bones and a few lost teeth. He needed to have oral surgery to repair his teeth and facial bones.

Surgery took a few hours, as they wired his jaw back in place.

After all the tests and the surgery, the doctor came in and told Jaclyn he was extremely lucky.

Jaclyn looked him square in the face and said “Praise Jesus that’s My God!”

Josh was alive and pretty beat up, but it could have been so much worse. And Jaclyn was able to take him home that same night around 10pm. He did not require any recovery time in the hospital.

The girls were able to see Josh after he arrived home that night. Relief and emotion caught up with everyone. The older girls understood Jesus protected their dad and they were witnesses to a true miracle.

He was sore and pretty beat up and would need bed rest for a few days.

That’s a small price for what could have been.

I arrived at 1:30am (which is 5:30 at home) still not sure of what I was walking into. When I boarded the plane I had no idea what to expect when I arrived. The unknown was beyond concerning.

The diagnosis presented the possibility of an expected med-evac to Anchorage or Seattle. Man was I in for a surprise!

But God...

I watched my children rise up and take authority over the situation. From thousands of miles away they rallied together and not only prayed but encouraged one another with songs and scriptures throughout the evening and night.

Our immediate family and prayer warriors went to battle, took authority over the situation and we showed the enemy who was in control!!

I was on a plane praying and they were praying together via text message. Text messages that my phone caught up with when I regained service after my flight.

And then I knew.

We are beyond thankful for the goodness of God and all of the prayer warriors who stood with us.

Not today enemy, tomorrow, or any day after this.

You are defeated!

Even our prayers for a remarkable recovery were answered. Josh had just begun working as an Alaska State Trooper. They could have released him from his position because of this accident, and he returned to work in one week. They made reasonable accommodations for him and extended his training period. Something they were not required to do. Another example of how God protected him.

Just as the blood barrier is a real protection in our brain and natural bodies, the blood barrier of the cross is also real. The protection of Jesus is what saved Josh’s life that day.

We witnessed a miracle. With a front-row seat.

Let me tell you how great our God is. He is faithful. It’s in moments like this when you discover what you are made of. What your foundation is. Profound moments in time. I have experienced tragedy firsthand. When my dad was injured and died I discovered then what I was made of. I called out to God from the depths of my very being the instant I heard. It was this same thing over again when my sister Brenda died and then when my mom died. A knowing that God was with me no matter the outcome. We praise Him in the storm and in the calm times. Good and bad. This accident was no different. I immediately went to prayer. At that moment that’s all that mattered. I FaceTimed the girls to keep them occupied while EMS was there and we prayed together. They are a part of this miracle and have witnessed God’s healing power firsthand.

Through prayer. We were given FRONT ROW seats to a real-life miracle.

While there was still healing and recovery that needed to take place; a broken jaw and teeth wired into Josh’s mouth, the concern of life-threatening or altering injuries became and are now a distant memory.

When we raise our children we may wonder what messages and lessons stick. Which ones did they learn? Well, I can say with great confidence my children have a solid biblical foundation and relationship with Jesus. I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say that.

God is faithful. We witnessed a miracle this week and I will never stop telling of it.

3 years later Josh has made a full recovery with no side effects. And even better EVERY doctor and hospital bill were paid 100%!!

The prayers of the righteous availeth much James 5:16

I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord Jeremiah 30:17

And on the 3rd anniversary of this, my daily devotion from Troy Brewer lines up perfectly.

Audrey Yockey



8- New Beginnings 26- Beloved


By grace, we are now fully part of God's Kingdom, a holy habitation. Our souls long to be with our Beloved, and that draws us deeper into that place of belonging.

Lord, I have loved the habitation of Your house, And the place where Your glory dwells. - Psalm 26:8 NKJV

In a wonderful way, the number 26 deals with messianic bloodlines and King David. It is the number of generations from David to Christ. It’s also the number of generations between Moses and Adam. In the book Song of Solomon, by King David’s son, Soloman, the word “beloved” is found 26 times. David means “beloved.” Though the name “David” is common today, it’s extraordinarily unique in the Bible. There is only one David in all the biblical texts.

Also unique, the number 26 is found only once in all of scripture. It is the numerical value of the name of God in Hebrew. It is the sum of the Hebrew letters yod, he, waw, and he, giving us the name YHWH, 10+5+6+5=26. This name of four letters adding up to 26 is found in Genesis 4:1-26. It begins with the name Adam and ends with the name of God – Yahweh. Pretty cool, huh? Cooler is how beloved you are to God the Father. The Apostle John knew how much God loved us and wrote about it so we would all know the same thing.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. - 1 John 4:7 NKJV

These wise words, written by a man who walked in the power of God's love, encourage us in our walk today.

Declaration: I am the Beloved, and He is mine. Holy Spirit empowers me to be a source of the Lord’s love everywhere I go today.

Troy Brewer

Troy Brewer Ministries


If you would like a copy of the Blood Covenant please e-mail me at America-Reimagined-Sheryl@proton.me.


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