"The Name That Shattered the Darkness" An Alan Dunn Story

"A Divine Revelation in a Dream"

In the stillness of an October night in 2015, I found myself in the grip of a nightmare so vivid, so unsettling, that it lingers with me even now. Three figures stood at the end of my bed—children, or at least they appeared to be. But their eyes… their eyes were pools of blackness, void of any light or humanity. I was frozen, paralyzed by an unseen force, my voice stolen, my body locked in place. Fear twisted in my chest as I struggled to move, to speak, to break free from their sinister hold.

Suddenly, as if the heavens themselves intervened, an angelic presence appeared to my right, shimmering with divine light. The angel leaned close and whispered a command, a name—Yahu. "Rebuke them in the name of Yahu," the angel urged. In my dream, confusion wrestled with fear. Yahu? The name was unfamiliar, foreign to my ears. But there was no time to question. I tried to speak it, but the words caught in my throat, barely a whisper. The grip of those dark-eyed children tightened, their silent menace suffocating.

But I persisted. Again, I tried to speak the name, feeling a surge of desperation. The third time, it was as if a dam broke. The name burst forth from my lips, not as a plea, but as a command.  I sat bolt upright in bed, My right hand shot out, finger pointed directly at them, and I shouted, "I rebuke you in the name of Yahu!" In that instant, the paralysis shattered, my body trembling, but free—completely, utterly free. The dark-eyed children vanished, their malevolent presence dispelled by the power of that name.

Never before, and never since, have I experienced anything like it. I knew, without a doubt, that I had been rescued from an evil that sought to claim me.

Shaken but resolute, I leapt from my bed, the name Yahu echoing in my mind, demanding to be understood. My heart still pounded from the encounter as I hurried to my computer, driven by an intense need to uncover the meaning behind the name that had shattered the darkness. As the glow of the screen lit up the room, I began my search, each keystroke filled with urgency. It wasn’t long before I stumbled upon a Jewish site, and there it was like a hidden treasure revealed. Yahu—ancient, sacred, and revered—was indeed the earliest known name of our Heavenly Father, a name wrapped in mystery and power. As I read, my heart quickened with the realization that the name spoken to me in my dream was no ordinary name—it was sacred, divine, a key to profound truth. The words on the screen resonated deeply, confirming what my spirit already knew, and I understood that this revelation was far more than a mere coincidence; it was an answer to a prayer I had been seeking for months.

This revelation was not the end, but the beginning. I continued to seek, to pray, to learn, and in time, I discovered the full and true pronunciation of His name, as well as the name of our Savior. But it all began on that fateful October night, after months of fervent prayer, with a dream, an angel, and a name that broke the darkness.

This discovery marked a turning point in my spiritual journey. Since that night, I have delved deeper, learning the full and true pronunciation of both the Father's name and that of our Savior. But what made this revelation even more profound was that it was an answer to my prayers. For months before the dream, I had been earnestly seeking, asking to know His true name. Little did I know, the answer would come in such a dramatic and unforgettable way, through a dream that forever changed my understanding of the divine.

Alan Dunn


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